The person I am today is the equivalent of all the thoughts I’ve had, and all the knowledge I have acquired throughout my life. During this time, I’ve come across some fascinating people who have inspired me and given me tools and wisdom to fulfill my dreams. I’ve also discovered certain thought-provoking quotes written by some of the greatest minds on this planet, which have rooted themselves deep within me and have become part of who I am. Learning from others’ successes and failures is one way to get ahead in life. Sometimes there’s no need to re-invent the wheel and, unless you can say it better, someone else has already said it best.

Many challenges and difficult moments in my life have been solved by using this effective technique: I simply ask myself “what would (Idol) do in this situation?” I put myself in the shoes of one of my role-models and try to imagine how they would react or how they would deal with this particular problem. I also have a list of quotes in my head, that I go through every time I’m searching for a solution to a challenge that I’m currently facing. There have been many people before me, much smarter and experienced than I, who have had the same complications and have learnt to overcome them. The POWER that quotes and idols bring into my life is priceless.

What are your favorite quotes? Who are your idols? Feel free to connect with me on Linkedin and share your best ones! Here are some of mine:
QUOTE“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which have never happened.” - Mark Twain - This quote is amazing. I dare you to count all the worries you have in a month and see how many of them really manifest. It’s incredible how many worries people have that never come true. Be like Bob Marley and “Don’t worry, be happy”



Name: Farid Dordar

Personality type: INTJ

-Farid was my martial arts instructor for many years and then my boss for many more. He is a genuine visionary and a true go-getter. His business strategy is top-notch and his leadership skills can be judged by the amount of respect everyone around him has for him. He has always been future-oriented with a strong focus on technology. I learnt many valuable lessons from him and he goes down in my books as one of the most influential people in my life.

QUOTE“All that we are is a result of what we have thought” -Buddha-The person you are today is the sum of all the thoughts you have had in the past. The future you is being created by all the thoughts you have now and will have in the near future. Be careful what you think about. Even if you aren’t satisfied with your life right now, YOU MUST change your thoughts or else you will simply attract more of what you have right now. It sounds so simple…and it is….that’s what makes it so difficult ;)



Name: Roy Da Silva

Personality Type: ESTJ

  • Roy was my manager at my first sales job at a call-center. He taught me sales techniques that I use to this day. He taught me how to close deals, how to handle angry customers, how to use words like a tool. Roy was a story-teller and a shark on the phone. The wisdom he shared with me is one of the main pillars of my success.

  • “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world” -Ludwig Wittgenstein-Your world is limited to the words you possess in your lexicon and the way you use them. People who read, practice writing and public speaking have an advantage over those who do not. Words can start and stop wars, they can motivate and they can devastate. There’s a reason they say “The pen is mightier than the sword.”
  • My Dad
  • Personality type: INTP
  • My dad has found himself on this list due to his courage, and the ability to adapt to change and to new environments. It’s thanks to him that I have such a passion for travel and a fearless attitude towards the unknown. Leaving everything comfortable behind to start from zero in a world where the odds are against you, takes balls. A main pillar and 50% responsible for my existence.
  • “Become who you are” - Friedrich Nietzsche-I truly found out who I was 4 years ago when I discovered my personality type (ENTJ). Typology has given me the answers as to why I behave the way I do, why I make decisions the way I do, and in what order my cognitive (mental) functions are. It has taught me how people differ and has helped me understand the people in my life on a much higher and complex level. This quote is the epitome of Typology.

  • Name: Tony Robbins
  • Personality Type: ENTJ
  • Tony Robbins has always been my favorite motivational speaker. His energy, charisma, experience, and power, put him in a league of his own. If you are feeling sad, lonely, depressed or unmotivated, watch a video or listen to a podcast with Tony, and you’ll be PUMPED UP in NO TIME!! Tony and I share the same personality type and I am honored every time someone compares my energy level and style when I’m on stage with his.

  • “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” - Nikola Tesla-For those of you open-minded readers out there, here’s all I’m going to say: The law of vibration, also known as the law of attraction is a complete life-changer once you learn to accept that it is real and that it is always in effect here on Earth, just like the law of gravity. I suggest that you read about Dr. Masaru Emoto and do “The Rice Experiment”. It is one of the most fascinating things I have ever experienced in my life. But shhh…..don’t tell the others ;)

  • Responsible Single Mothers/Fathers.If you are a single parent (especially a single mother) and you have a job/career, you are responsible, take care of, and love your children, then you are a hero in my eyes. The amount of energy, discipline, self-control, planning, and patience that it takes is SUPERHUMAN. Successful single parents… amaze me!

    If you like having conversations about the Why? & How? of life, going deep and abstract or being down to Earth and precise, contact Dominik TODAY and pick his brain.
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